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تقویت رزومه پژوهشی

جمعه, 17 شهریور 1396 00:00 نوشته شده توسط 







 کلیه داوطلبین علاقه مند به تقویت رزومه می توانند با دریافت آموزش های لازم در فعالیت های تحقیقاتی اساتید همکار با نخبگان مشارکت نموده و در زمینه نگارش مقاله، کتاب و اجرای طرح تحقیقاتی  رزومه خود را تقویت نمایند. عضویت در کانال تقویت رزومه نخبگان برای مدتی محدود برای کلیه داوطلبین عزیز از طریق لینک زیر ممکن می باشد:


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در زیر چکیده برخی از مقالاتی که با همکاری داوطلبین آزمون دکترا آماده و چاپ شده است ارائه شده است.

کلیدواژه ها: رزومه، دکتری، دکترا، سوابق علمی، تقویت سوابق پژوهشی، تقویت رزومه پژوهشی، قبولی دکترای وزارت بهداشت، مصاحبه دکترای وزارت بهداشت، رزومه دکترای وزارت بهداشت، رزومه دکترای علوم پزشکی، مصاحبه دکترای پزشکی، مصاحبه دکتری


1-The effect of different types of honey on the lipid profile of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.



The effect of honey consumption in diabetic patients has been contradictory. The aim of the present animal study was to compare the effect of different types of honey on the lipid profile in diabetic rats.


Sixty-four male Wistar rats were divided into two main groups: a streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (DM) group (including four subgroups) and a healthy group (including four subgroups), based on random allocation. Three subgroups of each main group were given 1 mg/kg of three different types of honey (acacia, astragalus, and artificial honey) by oral gavage for 10 weeks. The control groups were given distilled water. Blood samples were collected, and the lipid profile was measured and compared between the eight groups after the intervention.


The levels of LDL, triglycerides (TG), and total cholesterol (Tchol) in DM rats treated with astragalus honey were significantly lower and the HDL level was significantly higher compared to the other DM and healthy groups (all p-values < 0.05). LDL, TG, and Tchol levels in DM rats treated with artificial honey were significantly higher, and HDL levels were significantly lower than for other types of honey and for the control groups (all p-values < 0.05). LDL, HDL, TG, and Tchol levels in healthy rats were not significantly different between the groups (p-value > 0.05).


Different types of honey (acacia, astragalus, and artificial honey) had various effects on serum lipid profiles in diabetic rats. The results of this study indicated that the effect of honey on diabetic patients can vary widely based on its source.


diabetes mellitus; honey; lipid profile

آموزش و همکاری در تقویت رزومه خانم شهوقار و آقای محمدی منش داوطلب دوره دکتری

دانلود مقاله

2-Validating and investigating reliability of comprehensive feeding practices questionnaire


Background: The present research aims to validate and discuss the reliability of Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ).
Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study, 150 mothers with 3-6 year old children in the city of Rasht were selected through cluster random sampling from the public and private kindergartens in 2010. After being confident about the translation validity, the degree of validation (content and structure) and validity (test-retest reliability and internal consistency) of the questionnaire was examined.
Results: The degree of validation of questionnaire content, except questions 2, 16 and 46, was at a high level and these three questions were omitted. The method of the consistency of factors and total scores of the questionnaire was used to study the validation of structure, which was satisfactory and varied between 0.30-0.72. The validity of questionnaire was examined through test-retest and Cronbach's alpha methods. The Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) was between 0.80-0.91 and Cronbach's alpha was between 0.80-0.90. Conclusion: In general, the Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire (CFPQ) was proved to be valid and with respect to the results obtained from the present research, it can be used in the research on child diet.


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3-The Effect of Washing Procedures on Contamination of Raw Vegetables with Nematodes Larvae

Background and Objective: Vegetables can be contaminated with bacteria, viral, and parasitic pathogens during their cultivation, collection, and transportation processes, and consumption of unsafe vegetables is considered a risk factor for human parasitic infections. This study aimed to evaluate the contamination of raw vegetables with nematodes larvae, and the effect of washing procedures on their elimination in Shahrekord city, Iran. Materials and Methods: This study carried out on 160 samples of different vegetables including mint, basil, garden cress, parsley, satureja, radish, chives, and wild leek. Each sample was divided into four groups including unwashed and washed with pure water, vinegar, and germicide groups. Then, the samples were examined for nematodes larvae using Baermann funnel technique. Data were analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: Among 40 samples on each group, contamination was detected in 33 (82.5%) of unwashed group, 13 (32.5%) of washed with pure water group, five (12.5%) of washed with vinegar, and two (0.5%) of washed with germicide group. There was a significant difference in the rate of contamination in the washed groups compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Contamination rate in the group washed with water was significantly higher than the vinegar and germicide groups (P < 0.05) Moreover, our study showed that the highest rate of contamination was in chives and wild leek and the lowest one in radish. Conclusion: This study concluded that vegetables could be a potential source of nematodes larvae and proper washing and disinfecting procedures before consumption of raw vegetables should be performed to avoid transmission of nematodes larvae.

4-FTO Gene Affects Obesity and Breast Cancer Through Similar Mechanisms: A New Insight into the Molecular Therapeutic Targets.



This review focused on the possible mediatory role of the FTO in the association between obesity and breast cancer.


All articles published in English from June 1990 to January 2017 were studied. The search terms used were FTO gene, FTO polymorphism, breast cancer, and obesity. Inclusion criteria consisted of assessment of the relationship between FTO polymorphisms and/or FTO expression level with obesity and/or breast cancer as a primary outcome.


The FTO gene may have a role in the cellular sensing of macronutrients. Over expression of the FTO gene increases the levels of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling that is a key regulator of cell growth. Moreover, some SNPs in intron locations of the FTO gene exert their effects on body mass index, body composition and breast cancer risk through change of the homeobox transcription factor iriquois 3 (IRX3) gene expression level.


The FTO gene may has a critical role in obesity and breast cancer. Similar molecular mechanisms may play a role in the development of breast cancer and obesity. If this result is correct then, it will be interesting to examine the FTO gene as a molecular therapeutics target.



 دانلود مقاله

5-The Relationship between TV Viewing and Food Intake and BMI in Preschool Children


Background: Considerable attention is currently being paid to childhood nutrition. Mass media, particularly television (TV), is believed to largely contribute to eating habits and Body mass index (BMI). This study was carried out to identify the relation between tendency towards TV viewing and its influence on children with food intake and BMI in pre-school kids. Original Research Article Kalantari et al.; BJMMR, 14(10): 1-9, 2016; Article no.BJMMR.24970 2
Methodology: The survey was conducted using a cross-sectional design, in which 114 children aged 2-6 yrs from 11 selected nursery schools were included. Regarding data collection related to TV viewing rate and influence rate of TV viewing from parents' viewpoint, a valid and reliable questionnaire was used. To collect data about children's diets intake, a food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) was applied. Face-to-face meetings and interviews with the parents were held. Height and weights of children were measured using a measuring tape and a digital weight scale. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and analysis of variance (ANOVA) statistical tests by SPSS software.
Results: It turned out that consumption rate of some food groups including meats & alternatives (p=0.008), sugars (p=0.013) and snacks & desserts (p=0.011) were higher in children who spend more time watching TV. In addition, Intake of cereals and breads appeared to be higher in children with strong desire for TV food ads (p=0.019). It was also revealed that influence rate of TV viewing and fats intake were positively correlated (p=0.017). No significant relationship was revealed between TV viewing rate and BMI in children Conclusion: It can be concluded that tendency of preschool children to TV is positively related with some food groups intake and consumption of low nutritional-value foods.

دانلود مقاله

6-Maternal self-efficacy and feeding practices in children aged 3-6 years


Objective: Nutrition in childhood has an important role in current and adulthood health. Recent studies have shown that the mother’s lifestyle has an important role in the methods used by mother to feed child. This paper aimed to investigate the association between mother’s weight
efficacy lifestyle with feeding practices in children aged 3- 6 years. Materials and Methods: In this cross-sectional study which was carried out in 30 primary schools of Rasht (Iran) in 2012, 165 mothers with children aged 3-6 years were participated. Mothers reported their own and their child’s demographics. Aspects of mother’s weight efficacy lifestyle and mother’s control practices were assessed using Weight Efficacy Lifestyle (WEL) questionnaire and Comprehensive Feeding Practices questionnaire (CFPQ) respectively. Height and weight of mothers participated in the study were measured. The role of mother’s weight efficacy in predicting child’s feeding practices was assessed using linear regression.
Results: Results showed that mother’s weight efficacy was related to child feeding practices. The mothers with similar weight efficacy lifestyle applied similar methods in child nutrition. Mothers with better weight efficacy used more encourage balance and variety, environmental control, child involvement and less emotion regulation using foods.
Conclusion: The result of the study showed that maternal l ifestyle was associated with child feeding practices.

دانلود مقاله

7-The association between Dairy Intake, Simple Sugars and Body Mass Index with Expression and Extent of Anger in Female Students


Objective: A significant increase in violence in the world and its impact on public health and society can be an important reason to offer solutions to reduce or control anger. Studies have shown that specific food groups may be effective in controlling mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and anger. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between food intake and Body Mass Index on state-trait anger expression in female students of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences.
Method: In this cross-sectional study, 114 female students were randomly selected from dormitories of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. Body height and weight were measured using the scale and stadiometer, respectively. The required data for evaluating the relationship between state-trait anger expression and food consumption groups were collected using State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2 (STAXI-2) and Food Frequency questionnaires.
Results: The results revealed a significant negative correlation between consumption of dairy product and trait anger (angry reaction), (P = 0.015). This association remained significant after adjustment of confounding factors. No significant correlations were found between other food groups as well as BMI and state-trait anger expression.
Conclusion: The higher intake of dairy products reduced state-trait anger expression. This result is consistent with the findings of many studies on the effect of dairy consumption on mental disorders. Therefore, consumption of dairy products can be a solution for reducing anger.

دانلود مقاله

8-Knowledge, risk perception, and behavioral intention about hepatitis C, among university students

Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major complex public health problem. Different resources have proved that healthcare workers more than the general population are at a risk of infection. Therefore, medical field students, due to the future occupational hazards, are included in the risk group. Aim: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the level of knowledge, public and individual risk perception, and behavioral intention about HCV, among medical sciences students of the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Settings and Design: This is a descriptive–analytical study that was conducted among 457 students of the Medical Sciences in the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. Materials and Methods: The data was collected using a questionnaire. Sampling was done randomly. Statistical Analysis Used: The data was analyzed using the SPSS18 software and statistical tests of Pearson, Spearman, T‑ test, and the analysis of variance (ANOVA); P < 0.05 was considered significant. Results: Four hundred and fifty‑seven students (41.8% male and 58.2% female) in 29 fields of study (six categories) participated in this research. The mean age was 21.55 ± 2.6 years. The mean and standard deviations of the students’ knowledge was 3.71 ± 2.9 (out of 8), and the behavioral intention to accruing information and performance of preventive actions related to HCV was 11.52 ± 3.16 (out of 20). Public risk perception was 20.1 ± 3.5 (out of 30); and personal risk perception was 6.96 ± 1.8 (out of 10). The ANOVA test showed that public perception of the risk among students of different academic fields was different (F = 1.52, P < 0.05). Conclusions: According to the low knowledge of students of Medical Sciences in the Isfahan University of Medical Sciences about HCV, it was recommended that the University Policymakers design an educational intervention about it, in order to minimize the chances of being infected.

دانلود مقاله

9-The Study of Association between Mother Weight Efficacy Life-style with Feeding Practices, Food Groups Intake and Body Mass Index in Children Aged 3-6 Years

Background: Nutrition in childhood has a significant role in current and adulthood health. Recent studies have shown that the mother’s life‑style has an important role in the methods used by mother to feed child, child’s diet and body mass index (BMI). This study paper aimed to investigate the association between mother’s weight efficacy life‑style (WEL) with feeding practices and diet in children aged 3‑6 years. Methods: In this cross‑sectional study, which was carried out in 18 Primary Schools of Rasht (Iran) in 2012, 165 mothers with children aged 3‑6 years were participated. Mothers reported their own and their child’s demographics. Aspects of mother’s WEL and mother’s control practices were assessed using WEL questionnaire and Comprehensive Feeding Practices Questionnaire respectively. Height and weight of mothers participated in the study were measured. Child’s dietary intake was measured using Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ). The role of mother’s weight efficacy in predicting child’s feeding practices and child’s diet was assessed using the linear regression. Statistical significance for all P values was set at 0.003. Results: The results were showed that mother’s weight efficacy was related to child feeding practices and child’s dietary intake. The mothers with similar WEL applied similar methods in child nutrition. Mothers with better weight efficacy used more encourage balance and variety (β = 1.860), environmental control (β = 0.437), child involvement (β = 0.203) and less emotion regulation using foods (β = −0.213) and their children eat fewer snacks (β = −0.318) (PV = 0.003). Conclusions: The result of this study showed that maternal life‑style was associated with feeding practices and child’s intake. There was no significant relation between the maternal self‑efficacy and child BMI.

دانلود مقاله

10-Changes in FTO and IRX3 gene expression in obese and overweight male adolescents undergoing an intensive lifestyle intervention and the role of FTO genotype in this interaction

Background Lifestyle intervention may have a critical effect on the association between genetics and obesity. This study aimed to investigate changes in FTO and IRX3 gene expression in obese and overweight male adolescents undergoing a lifestyle intervention and the role of FTO genotype in this interaction. Methods This study was a field trial of 62 adolescents from boys’ high schools in Tehran, Iran. Two schools were randomly allocated as the intervention (n = 30) and control (n = 32) schools. The rs9930506 SNP in FTO was genotyped at baseline and the level of FTO and IRX3 expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Anthropometric measurements were assessed at baseline and after 18 weeks of intensive lifestyle intervention. Results Our results showed that IRX3 expression in the intervention group was significantly up-regulated compared to baseline (P = 0.007) and compared to the control group (P = 0.011).The intervention group had significantly up-regulated transcripts of IRX3 only in rs9930506 risk allele carriers of the intervention group compared to risk allele carriers of the control group (P = 0.017). Moreover, our data showed that the FTO expression was up-regulated in AA genotype carriers and down-regulated in AG/GG genotype carriers (P = 0.017). Conclusion Lifestyle modification may exert its effects on obesity through changes in the expression level of the FTO and IRX3 genes. However, FTO genotype plays a role in the extent of the effect of lifestyle changes on gene expression. Further studies are crucial to have a better understanding of the interaction between lifestyle, genetics and anthropometric measurements. Trial registration This paper reports a comprehensive intervention study (Interactions of Genetics, Lifestyle and Anthropometrics study or IGLA study), which is retrospectively registered in the Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials as IRCT2016020925699N2. Date registered: April 24, 2016. (https://www.irct.ir/searchresult.php?id=25699&number=2) Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (10.1186/s12967-019-1921-4) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.

آموزش مقاله نویسی و تقویت رزومه خانم غزال رحیم زاده جهت اپلای

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11-Up-regulation of FTO gene expression was associated with increase in skeletal muscle mass in overweight male adolescents

Introduction: The modifying effect of FTO gene expression level on change in body mass index and body composition has not been studied before. This study aimed to investigate the association between change in the expression level of the FTO gene and changes in anthropometric measurements in obese and overweight adolescent boys. Material and methods: Eighty-four boys aged 12 to 16 years participated in this longitudinal study. A Bio Impedance Analyzer (BIA) was used to estimate percentage of body fat (%BF) and percentage of skeletal muscle (%SM). The FTO gene expression level in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was assessed using quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). All measurements were performed at baseline and after 18 weeks. Results: After 18 weeks, mean weight was reduced by 2.39 kg, body mass index by 0.09 kg/m2, %BF by 0.82% and %SM increased by 0.44%. Moreover, the level of FTO gene expression increased 0.42-fold higher than baseline. The change in expression level of the FTO gene was positively associated with change in %SM (β = 0.31, p = 0.02). Conclusions: FTO gene expression change was associated with change in %SM in male adolescents. Future studies are required to assess the interactions between FTO gene expression in different tissues and body composition.

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آموزش مقاله نویسی و تقویت رزومه خانم مهناز صادقی پور جهت اپلای


12-The possible mechanisms of the effects of IRX3 gene on body weight: an overview

Introduction: Recent studies reported that FTO exert its effects on body weight through change the expression IRX3. The aim of this study was investigation of the possible mechanisms of the effects of IRX3 gene on obesity. Material and methods: The present review was carried out using keywords such as polymorphism and/or obesity and/or BMI and/or IRX3 gene and/or Iroquois homeobox protein 3. Databases including PubMed, Science Direct, web of sciences, Scopus, and Cochran databases were used to collect all related articles published from 2000 to 2019. Results: Based on this review, there are some evidences on the association between the IRX3 polymorphisms and the IRX3 expression level with body weight. In some studies, the up-regulation of IRX3 expression was related to increased body weight, while in some other studies down-regulation of IRX3 expression was related to obesity. Conclusions: This review investigated the probable mechanisms of the effects of the IRX3 gene on obesity. Studies in this are limited and reported contradictory results. Further studies are required to evaluate the role of IRX3 gene in the associations between genes, diet, and obesity.

 آموزش مقاله نویسی و تقویت رزومه خانم زهره مختاری و آقای عباس ترکی


13-Assessing the Validity and Reliability of a Questionnaire on Child Television Watching in Tehran City, Iran

Introduction: Watching television (TV) is a popular pastime among Iranian children to the extent that it has been attributed to the rise of childhood obesity. The present study investigated the validity and reliability of a questionnaire on television watching of preschool children from the perspective of parents. Methods: A total of 114 mothers of children aged 2-6 years from 10 preschools in District 2, Tehran City, recruited by convenience, were interviewed after receiving their consent. The questionnaire consisted of 23 questions and two subscales on the amount of time and the perceived impact of watching TV. The validity (content and construct) and reliability (test-retest and internal consistency) of the questionnaire were analysed using SPSS (version 21). Results: Out of the original 23 questions, only 11 questions that met the criteria of the content validity ratio (CVR) and content validity index (CVI) were selected and internal correlation of each subscale with total score was calculated and found to be satisfactory (0.566 and 0.685 respectively). Intraclass correlation coefficient was between 0.796 and 0.889 and Cronbach’s alpha was between 0.887 and 0.941. Conclusion: Overall, the validity of the questionnaire developed for this study was found to be satisfactory. This questionnaire could be applied in similar settings using larger sample sizes.

14- Review of studies on the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene interactions with environmental factors affecting on obesity and its impact on lifestyle interventions
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of obesity is influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Recently, it has been reported that an interaction between genotype and environmental factors can affect each other’s effects on the phenotype. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the recent studies on the fat mass and obesity-associated (FTO) gene interactions with environmental factors affecting on obesity and the impact of these interactions on the success level of the lifestyle intervention. METHODS: All articles published in English from June 1990 to June 2015 were studied. RESULTS: In most studies, the role of the FTO risk alleles for obesity is significantly intensified through reduced physical activity and high calorie diet. Furthermore, the results of studies about the effect of FTO on the success level of lifestyle interventions have been contradictory. Some studies show that FTO genotype influences on the success of lifestyle interventions, while other studies did not report it. CONCLUSION: The results of these studies generally indicate that the effect of the FTO gene on obesity may be influenced by environmental factors and lifestyle. In the other hand, the FTO genotype can affect the success of lifestyle interventions in the prevention and treatment of obesity. Future studies are crucial to elucidate relationships between FTO gene and lifestyle.

15- Macronutrients and the FTO gene expression in hypothalamus; a systematic review of experimental studies
The various studies have examined the relationship between FTO gene expression and macronutrients levels. In order to obtain better viewpoint from this interactions, all of existing studies were reviewed systematically. All published papers have been obtained and reviewed using standard and sensitive keywords from databases such as CINAHL, Embase, PubMed, PsycInfo, and the Cochrane, from 1990 to 2016. The results indicated that all of 6 studies that met the inclusion criteria (from a total of 428 published article) found FTO gene expression changes at short-term follow-ups. Four of six studies found an increased FTO gene expression after calorie restriction, while two of them indicated decreased FTO gene expression. The effect of protein, carbohydrate and fat were separately assessed and suggested by all of six studies. In Conclusion, The level of FTO gene expression in hypothalamus is related to macronutrients levels. Future research should evaluate the long-term impact of dietary interventions.







41009 بازدید آخرین بار تغییر یافته پنج شنبه, 04 مرداد 1403 17:20